Thursday, March 27, 2008

Why Hillary's Lie about Bosnia is a Deal-breaker

Here's what I don't like about Hillary and why I could not support her: By taking the high road she could have been classy while the Wright scandal carried on for another week or so. The only thing to knock it off course was an unprovoked, over-reaching, seemingly insane deal-breaker like her lie about Bosnia. Oops! She sure stepped in it.

To lie about a serious matter like war-zone danger, to accompany the lie with detailed storytelling, physical gestures and that silly "but I wasn't afraid" smirk indicates pathological behavior.

I don't fault Hillary for being mentally compromised but we have already had 8 years of delusional and "see-me-in-my-flight suit" immaturity. Hillary is as divorced from reality as George Bush is. Neither of them has functioned successfully in the every-day world that makes up life in America. Is Hillary in touch with the "Internets" any more than Bush is? Doubtful, or she wouldn't have stepped into the Bosnia lie.

Nothing I've ever seen in 45 years of listening to campaign parlance is as flat-out disqualifying as the Snipergate lie. It is a lie which Chelsea, when asked at Butler University about the Bosnia incident, said was just as her mother had described it. How can she be so dishonest?

What lies would be told to us if Hillary were President? We, the public, have had 35 years experience since Day One with Clinton manipulations. That is a historical fact.


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