Thursday, March 06, 2008

What We DO Know about Hillary is the Problem

In 1992 and throughout the Bill and Hillary Clinton reign of squandered talents, we were introduced to political porn as we’d never seen it before. All I remember is 8 years of wanting to crawl in a hole as the Clinton’s hung all their dirty laundry, personal and professional, in my back yard, as well as your backyard and the world’s.

A vote for Hillary, to me, makes about as much sense as sending your bank information to one of those charming fellows in Nigeria. Her message? “With me, you win the lottery!” Or maybe her candidacy is like one of those porn spams about male enhancement. Can’t imagine who might be sending those.

It appears as if quite a few hardcore politicians and news pundits are also salivating over potential Clinton spoils. Governor Jennifer Granholm of Michigan has already gotten some huge monetary perks from Hillary. Although she hasn’t endorsed Hillary, she is full of syrupy praise for her gal pal.

Just look at all that spam in your inbox. Each message is worded cleverly as it appeals to a need and is, at the end of the chain, nothing more than an artful scam.

It’s not what we don’t know about Obama that is a problem. It’s what we DO know about Hillary Clinton.

Scandals, victim hood, wagging fingers and wagging private parts, more shady deals than Nixon ever dreamed of and a pathological inability to face reality. We see a lot of political romping in front of the camera and a lot of bad acting. Pundits don’t get it because they are just as phony.

Does the inability to face reality and the shallow quality of stubbornness remind us of anyone we have seen recently? Perhaps if the bar hadn’t been lowered to one inch above the sewer when the Clinton’s were in office, George Bush and Dick Cheney wouldn’t have had the audacity to lie and lie.

Political porn is back big time unless we send Hillary Clinton’s candidacy into the junk mail folder of history.

I really don’t like this chick at all.


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