Thursday, November 01, 2007

Why Do We Blog?

Thought drives us from dawn to dawn through days that are, largely, ordinary. In execution of these ordinary days marked by ordinary tasks, our minds churn out ordinary thought. But occasionally, when we write, we are lead toward extraordinary, even profound insight which we can flavor with irony, humor, pathos - all manner of emotion that speaks of being human.

Blogging (by different names) happened in the past, will happen in the future, and is happening, now, at this time, in this place. And it's a good thing.

Such writings (sometimes) are the stuff of literature, but, how ephemeral they can be, trills on the wind, forever gone. That is why we try so hard to catch and preserve thought through the discipline of writing, hopefully every day. Sometimes we even get good play on Google!

Good minds and not-so-good minds have shared written thought since the time of ancient Sumeria, contributing color and, preferably, depth to human culture. Should we not build on the effort of ages past?

Yes, of course. Even if we stumble, we must try, for as we slide gingerly from sunrise to sunrise, these ever-thirsty minds lead us to one truth; since we're still here, there's evidently more to say!

Why not us, why not now?


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