Friday, November 16, 2007

Hillary Clinton Supporters Boo and Heckle Obama and Edwards at Las Vegas CNN Debate

The democratic debate was held tonight in Las Vegas, Nevada. CNN really blew it. Moderated by Wolf Blitzer and John Roberts, the structure was chaotic.

The crowd, clearly packed with Hillary Clinton supporters, bordered on rude as childish Clinton supporters loudly booed Obama and Edwards when they pointed out weaknesses in Clinton's positions. Trailer-park tacky, is about all that can be said.

At the start of the squaring off between the candidates, hecklers were in evidence, as Clinton supporters, unchecked by Blitzer or the other CNN moderators, freely shouted catcalls at Obama. Why Blitzer didn't take some command of the audience is hard to understand. A few words about etiquette would have gone a long way.

Following the debate, a CNN pundit panel is composed of two former Bill Clinton staffers and one republican, J.C. Watts. The spin coming from the pundits is astounding. I'm a democratic and it quite alarming to see a network so in the pocket of a candidate. In addition to Obama and Edwards, Biden and Dodd have good performances, but CNN's panel is much too obvious in it's dismissal of everyone but Hillary.

How could CNN allow the audience to openly boo the candidates without reproach? What a failure of civility. Clinton supporters should know better. To boo someone for disagreeing with your candidate is the height of the politics of destruction.

This debate and the performance of "the Clinton camp" has convinced me, a life-long democrat, that I will never, under any circumstances, vote for Hillary Clinton. She represents everything about politics that needs to change in this country. And CNN is the epitome of what's wrong with the news media.

In short, what was Hillary Clinton's response to opposition? Rather than debating intellectually, she stuck out her tongue at the big bad bullies. And CNN seems to think that's a winning strategy. Amazing.

Oh, poor old Hillary. Boohoo.



Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with you about the boos and the one side favor of CNN's panel. I'm afraid the whole show was a "paid and setup" by the Clinton camp. The problem with the American politic nowaday is that candidates with lot of money can "buy" the election, the votes, the air time....The problem with Clinton is that she is represented the "business as usual" and I think that if she represents the Democate then someone with the more neutral background of Republican will win again. I really hate to see the party picks a looser to represent itself in every major election. There is really something wrong with the people in this country because of their selection. They just want to hear the smooth talker and were easily fooled by smokes and mirrors.

Stormy Malone said...

Thanks for reading, anonymous. All I can say about your comments is "Amen." We've got to do better than Hillary.